
MFA Thesis

Brand Identity System
Transmedia Installation
Editorial Design

Communication Arts 2022 Shortlist
︎︎︎ World Brand Design Society

Brad Bartlett

Special Thanks to
Miles Mazzie
Roy Tatum

Long-term cultural appropriation has reduced Chinese culture to an aesthetic sensibility or style, neglecting its deeper history rooted in sophisticated visual systems and time-honored artistic practices. When representing non-western cultures, the western point of view imposes stereotypical associations that are devoid of cultural authenticity. How can designers and typographers act responsibly in communicating messages that elevate authenticity and celebrate difference?

The identity system is integrated with the basic Mi grid that every Chinese kid learns to write Chinese characters and the vicious cycle of stereotype and typography.

Can calligraphy be Programmed? is a project that integrates traditional calligraphic maneuvers with newly-emerged technology.

As calligraphy never be recreated again in real life, it is also impossible to reproduce it in this software. Creating a piece of calligraphy should be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, not something that represents a reduced style.
Watch the Video ︎︎︎ HERE

The Everchanging Linguistic Landscape of LA Chinatown is an immersive installation that reveals the underlying context behind superficial styles.
Watch the Video ︎︎︎ HERE

On the finding path of Stereo(type)ography is a series of zines that document the research and synthesis process of the thesis with layering, sequential storytelling, materiality.

Watch the flip through video︎︎︎ HERE

︎︎︎ Mini Catalog

︎︎︎  Process Book

︎︎︎ Stereo(type)ography
︎︎︎ Pacific Asia Museum
︎︎︎ NOOOISE Virtual Livehouse
︎︎︎ 21C Museum Hotel
︎︎︎ 19+1 Magazine