Brand Identity System
Annie Huang Luck
Annie Huang Luck
21C Museum Hotel consumes global culture and connects with local communities through a multi-venue contemporary art museum, coupled with a boutique hotel and chef-driven restaurant.
As Contemporary art can be an agent for positive change and diversity, equality, and inclusion, 21C Museum Hotel focuses on revitalizing downtowns as well as providing a unique cultural and culinary experience to guests and local alike.
The goal is to build an artful and dynamic brand system that could be applied to a global context, enabling the brand to be more flexible and diverse across different locations with different personality.
︎︎︎ Check out the process here
The printed materials, including 21C lookbook, postcards, menus as well as the door hangers, will be provided to the guest as a welcoming gift.

There are three sets of postcards of 21C Museum Hotel. They express the brand images as well as the amazing artworks from the brand’s collaborated artists.

The 21C Lookbook introduces the brand.
A Local Gems map curated by the staff is also provided with the lookbook.
A Local Gems map curated by the staff is also provided with the lookbook.



︎︎︎Door Hanger


︎︎︎Indoor wayfinding

The identity system is visible in the restaurant as the guest enjoying the culinary experience.

︎︎︎Living experience
The brand image is applied to the interior designs.

The website allows the users to explore the three distinct characteristics of the brand – Hotel, Museum, and Restaurant.
︎︎︎ Stereo(type)ography
︎︎︎ Pacific Asia Museum
︎︎︎ NOOOISE Virtual Livehouse
︎︎︎ 21C Museum Hotel
︎︎︎ 19+1 Magazine